Artist in Residency


Seiunkan - Komoro, Nagano

March 2023


In a countryside becoming more redundant in the face of urbanisation, what is the value of this place? 

Where humans neglect, Nature reclaims with roots, rust and rot. These environmental processes mark forgotten places.

Places where Nature's effects transform the landscape, 

to the way it remembers. 

In time, a new purpose emerges from this lost place.

Sumi ink, shueki ink and ash on shoji paper.  

Extreme Cold Arts Festival - Teshikaga, Hokkaido

February 2023


To celebrate our connection to the landscape and nature’s beauty through the properties of natural features (rock, snow and wind). Basic forms and objects draw focus to the power and wisdom of the landscape elements. 

This festival residency also included the installation of a shoji mural in collaboration with the existing calligraphy of Sosui Ban in the ARtiNn residence, as well as a short film of moonlight shining on the hot spring river featured in the upcoming documentary 'Something in Teshikaga' by festival director Yoshiaki Imai, for which I acted and provided voiceover narration. 


Studio Kura - Itoshima, Fukuoka 

November 2022 - January 2023

January 2023


Studio Kura's entrance driveway is the basis for paper works on shoji and washi; to engage with the physical history of this place and the community that sustains it. 

Features of erosion reflect combined human and environmental actions. Expressions of humans in  nature: over time this relationship produces furrows and scars, as signs of life become embedded in space

December 2022


Encounters with a landscape, person and experience are effects of underlying currents - a stream of events. 

Properties of water and sediment are used to convey the meeting space that exists in environmental and internal states. A singular meeting point, constantly renewed, links past and future states. 

Sumi ink and earth pigments on paper and shoji.

November 2022

Shadow of the Valley 

This exhibition features several paper collages inspired by the mountain silhouettes that surround Itoshima. It explores the depth of contemplation available in the shadow, and draws upon insights elicited by natural settings. 

Guided by gathered materials of bamboo ash, charcoal and recycled building materials, these abstract works provide a glimpse of Itoshima's rich spirit of place. Sumi ink is included in several applications to both dye the paper and mark it with the raw edges of cracked beach pebbles.